Lowongan Pemagangan ke Jepang untuk ditempatkan di
Tanaka Gomu
Co,.Ltd , prefektur Osaka, Japan. Untuk kontrak 3 tahun
(kebutuhan peserta 15-20 peserta siswa wanita).
Lowongan Pemagangan ke Jepang untuk ditempatkan di
Tanaka GomuCo,.Ltd , prefektur Osaka, Japan, . Untuk kontrak 3 tahun
(kebutuhan peserta 15-20 peserta siswa wanita).
Company policy
Now that a thing runs through the world a person
speedily and came to be felt "one closer in the earth", the area
environment that I take it to us may be just rearranged to the global
environment. "Environmental Restoration." An advanced computer
technology is made full use of and must think about how you incorporate
"the recovery of the global environment" in the structure in this
time when all structure is accomplishing a big change.
I keep the processing technique of the textile materials that the utilization of resources lasts for a thought, many years, and it was cultivated more than before by the greatest theme alive, and "the maintenance of the global environment" prays our company aiming at a certain harmony environmental creation with nature for "the symbiosis with nature and the human being" when I want to contribute to the maintenance of the social infrastructure.
It rises in the viewpoint of the customer and copes with the development of the new product, the needs of the market including the suggestion of various method of construction systems quickly and shows knowledge to be able to have to the maximum and will pile up more effort in future to have you develop it with.
I hope that I have patronage favor.
I keep the processing technique of the textile materials that the utilization of resources lasts for a thought, many years, and it was cultivated more than before by the greatest theme alive, and "the maintenance of the global environment" prays our company aiming at a certain harmony environmental creation with nature for "the symbiosis with nature and the human being" when I want to contribute to the maintenance of the social infrastructure.
It rises in the viewpoint of the customer and copes with the development of the new product, the needs of the market including the suggestion of various method of construction systems quickly and shows knowledge to be able to have to the maximum and will pile up more effort in future to have you develop it with.
I hope that I have patronage favor.
Company profile
Company name
Tanaka Co., Ltd.
The location
〒595-0013 12-23, Miyacho,
Izumiotsu-shi, Osaka
director Nozomi Sumiyoshi
The establishment date
November, 1953
300 million yen
Duties contents
Fiber composition material (Geo-synthetic), the industrial material
production for engineering works, the building and
The number of employees
90 people
Aozora Bank,
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, Resona Bank ・
Gold, Nanto Bank, Osaka
Shinkin Bank in Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, business and industry
Company history
August, 1922
(founding) I succeed to a rice
dealer of the Tanaka store
August, 1940
It is
established a cleaned barley factory by Izumiotsu-shi, Osaka Shimojo
August, 1941
I am appointed
in Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry designation factory
November, 1953
(establishment) I reorganize it in
the corporation and start a company name as Tanaka cleaned barley
April, 1959
I start
production of the cotton fibranne
June, 1964
It depends on
the industrial readjustment method and abolishes cleaned barley business and
changes the company name to Tanaka spinning at the same time
March, 1970
I launch
nonwoven fabric business in Asahicho, Izumiotsu, Osaka
April, 1972
I discontinue
spinning, a cloth section
October, 1972
With nonwoven
fabric maker enlargement in 12-23, Miyacho, Izumiotsu-shi, Osaka
I let I found a factory, and
facilities of Asahicho move
October, 1973
I change a
company name of it to Tanaka Co., Ltd.
September, 1979
Sapporo Office
April, 1983
Sendai Office
March, 1985
Fukuoka Office
June, 1986
Osaka Office
April, 1987
Hiroshima Office
June, 1987
Tokyo Office
June, 1988
Nagoya Office
June, 1991
Shikoku Office
June, 1991
Obihiro branch
office establishment
December, 2011
Shikoku Office
is annexed by the Hiroshima Office
June, 2016
Parent company Y
Holdings and merger
October, 2018
Business Press and Information Office
establishment (Kawaramachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi)
Persyaratan Peserta Program:
1. Perempuan/wanita, Domisili DI Yogyakarta, Jawa tengah dan Jawa Barat.2. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
3. Bertanggung jawab (Jika sudah kirim CV atau sudah terpilih oleh user tidak akan mengundurkan diri)
4. Umur/Usia 18 -27 tahun.
5. Minimal lulusan SMK sedeajat (SMA, MA, Paket C) diutamakan D3/S1 Sastra Jepang
6. Bersedia magang di Jepang selama 3 tahun.
7. Status pernikahan tidak dipermasalahkan.
8. Apabila ada yang pernah atau punya pengalaman bekerja di perusahaan jepang di jabodetabek dan sekitarnya lebih baik. ( jenis kerja apapun tidak masalah ) .
9. Belum pernah menjadi kenshusei dijepang/ Eks Jepang.
10. Tinggi Badan Minimal 150 cm dengan Berat Badan Ideal(Tidak Obesitas/kegemukan).
11. Tidak berkacamata (Mata Tidak Minus/plus) tidak buta warna, katarak, glakoma dan penyakit mata lainnya.
Pendaftaran Magang Jepang
Bagi para peserta yang ingin mengikuti seleksi berikut persyaratan document :
- fotokopi Ijasah Terakhir dilampirkan Transkrip Nilai.
- fotokopi KK.
- fotokopi KTP dan Passport (Bagi yang pernah keluar negri).
- fotokopi AKTE.
- Sertificat Ketrampilan/Pengalaman kerja/Pendukung lainnya (bila ada).
- foto berwarna 3x4 kemeja putih latar belakang merah.
- isi formulir pendaftaran silahkan Download di ➤➤ Formulir Pendaftaran
Pendaftaran bisa
datang langsung ke kantor atau bisa dikirim melalui pos
Formulir pendaftaran silahkan download di ➤➤ Formulir Pendaftaran Magang Jepang
Formulir pendaftaran silahkan download di ➤➤ Formulir Pendaftaran Magang Jepang
Jadwal Seleksi terbaru 2022 Silahkan wa:0896-2828-8227
*Seragam selama seleksi: kemeja putih lengan panjang, celana hitam panjang bukan jeans, dasi hitam, kaos kaki hitam
*Formulir dan persyaratan document dibawa pada saat seleksi
*Bagi calon peserta yang sudah pernah belajar bahasa jepang, ada tambahan tes bahasa jepang di hari ke 3
Alur seleksi
tes magang ke jepang
1. Kirim CV via email (format CV disediakan oleh kami)
2. Seleksi langsung dengan Lembaga SO(Sending organization).
3. Interview langsung dengan user.
4. Apabila lulus diminta untuk melengkapi berkas dan dokumen untuk proses pengajuan Agibility (Izin magang dari pemerintah Jepang dan syarat untuk pengajuan visa)
5. masuk ke pelatihan bahasa Jepang sekitar 3-5 bulan sambil menunggu turunnya Agibility dan Visa.
6. Berangkat ke Jepang setelah Aligibilty dan Visa turun.
ctt: Program magang jepang bukan jalur TKW/ TKI/ BNP2TKI.
Fasilitas Gaji dan uang saku magang jepang :
- Estimasi Gaji 140.000 yen (19 juta/bulan kurs 139)
- Uang Lembur
Fasilitas : asrama, transport, air,listrik, dan gas.
- Asuransi kesehatan dan asuransi ketenagakerjaan
selama magang kerja dijepang.
- Jaminan Perlindungan Hukum.
- Uang nenkin/pesangon dari perusahaan sebesar 50 juta
dibayar setelah pulang dari jepang.
- Peluang berkarir bekerja diperusahaan jepang yang
ada diindonesia.